Sunday, 25 October 2015

Why not try Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 before you buy?

Why not try before you buy?

Unlike most of the competitive applications, it is possible to try out Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 before you buy. This is true of the Dynamics range of Microsoft products. All you have to do is enroll members of your team on a Dynamics training course. Of course, this training costs money, but it gives your team a real hands-on opportunity to evaluate any of the Dynamics range of products AX, CRM, GP, NAV, and SL in a classroom environment. Whilst it may seem like an expensive option around £1000 each day plus expenses to train a member of your team to compare this with the cost of project overruns. The bonus is that your team have a good understanding of the Dynamics application. This means that you and your team will be better able to appreciate the applications fit before entering into an implementation contract with a Microsoft Implementation Partner. It also means that should you decide to implement a Dynamics product your team will be in a better position to absorb the training offered by the Microsoft Partner and will take ownership of the application quickly. Accelerating the discovery phase and later stages of the implementation project.
Here is a link to the Microsoft Learning Partners Website:
Click on the links below to see UK organisations which offer Microsoft Dynamics product range (AX, CRM, GP, NAV, and SL) training:

Happy implementing

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